Thank you for signing up to sell with the Crafty Cuppa CIC
In order to get your products on the system and to try to avoid as many problems as possible every seller will need to input all their products onto a spreadsheet. We will be having various volenteers in the cafe and I want to make it as simple as possible to navigate the system and as such i am asking for photos of every different product and any variations, ie colours or styles.
I.e. if you are selling a mug that comes in 3 different styles and 2 different colours then that is 5 entries into the spreadsheet. If you have multiples of each then just add these as quantities.
You will be sent a spreadsheet which is already populated with your name and assigned location (don’t worry if you are renting multiple spaces, you will just be given one number for ease.)
The spreadsheet will be a Microsoft excel worksheet. Don’t worry if you don’t have excel, it can be opened up in Google Sheets, this is free software and operates in a very similar fashion. You will have to sign in in if you have a google account or set one up if you don’t.
Once you open the document you will see this screen or similar if you are using sheets.

Firstly you need to add your product name to column A, the price B and quantity in C like the image below.

Next we need to add a photo of the item. only one is needed but it does need to clearly show the product to help avoid and mistakes.
Firstly click on the box in column D in the row you are working on. This will select it.
Next click on insert in the top menu. Select Pictures and a menu will appear.
Choose place in Cell and then this device. This will open up a new window containing all your files.

From this screen you can select the image that corresponds to the item you are inputting. Click insert when you are ready and the image will be inserted into the table.

Don’t worry that the image will be small.
Now keep adding you products until everything you are supplying for the crafty Cuppa to sell is on the spreadsheet. We will also use this sheet to tick everything off.
Once you have finished and made sure all products and images are included then save the file.
If you are using sheets you can share directly with me to or save and email.
If you are using excel please save and send to me via email.
In either case please make sure it is saved as an excel workbook or csv comma delimited (in excel) or download it to save as a .xlsx or .csv if using sheets. Do not change the name of the spreadsheet.
If you need any further help please feel free to give me a shout at
You can also provide a small shoebox with stock in and all contents also needs to be included on the spreasheet.